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How Olive My Pickle Boosted Conversion by 30% with Awtomic Build-a-box

How Olive My Pickle Boosted Conversion by 30% with Awtomic Build-a-box

The Olive My Pickle team transitioned to using Awtomic’s build-a-box for all of their bundles, allowing them to easily communicate minimum requirements and benefits. This change alone resulted in a 15% improvement in conversion, and 30% higher cart competition rate.

Written by

Emily Yuhas

When Shai felt homesick for Israel, he started making his grandmother’s delicious pickle recipe, using a special lactic acid fermentation process. He started sharing them with his community through the local farmer’s market as a fun weekend gig with his wife, Charlotte. Over 14 years they have grown that side gig into an incredible omnichannel business, bringing this powerful probiotic and gut health promoting snack to folks all over the country. 

After over 10 years of honing the recipes, Shai and Charlotte have always known that eating a delicious pickle, kimchi or sauerkraut snack is much more effective and fun than popping a probiotic pill. They’ve watched as public awareness and appreciation for microbiome health has grown and have been along for the ride as they’ve navigated the challenges of driving around to grocery stores, to finding a distributor, to launching an e-commerce site and learning about digital marketing. 

“Getting a box of fermented pickles to arrive intact on somebody’s front door in one piece was a bit of a journey as well,” described Charlotte. After confusing interfaces with cart minimums that made it difficult to purchase, Olive my Pickle was happy to discover Awtomic as a way to make purchasing and subscribing easier for their customers. 

Metrics since migration to Awtomic


Improvement in conversion


Reduction in Purchase Flow Support Requests

Trying to fit a cart into a box shaped hole with Recharge 

Lacking solution for minimum requirements and discounts

Although their site was beautiful and had won design awards, there was a critical issue that was blocking them from increasing conversion. They had requirements for a minimum number of items that had to be purchased to make their shipping costs work and wanted to communicate the discount and shipping benefits of buying more. The original flow communicated this to customers in the cart, but left many people confused, resulting in more than a dozen calls a day and many lost prospects. 

Customer Support Pain

Dealing with these calls on top of other customer support and operations outreach was painful and they knew it should be avoidable if the site were more user friendly. “We’d be on the phone for half an hour with customers telling us about the problems they’re having ordering on their 2006 iPhone 4,” remembers Kelly Miller. 

An anonymous customer

Service levels with their original provider, Recharge, were impersonal and response times were lengthy. “We’d end up in the help desk black hole,” recalls Charlotte. 

The Solution with Awtomic

Build-a-box to the rescue

The Olive My Pickle team transitioned to using Awtomic’s build-a-box for all of their bundles, allowing them to easily communicate minimum requirements and benefits. This change alone resulted in a 15% improvement in conversion, and 30% higher cart competition rate.

“That’s a massively huge increase in people who start actually finishing. That's a victory.” - Charlotte Tzabari 

Crickets in the Support World

Ever since the switch to Awtomic, the confused calls about how to purchase have disappeared.

“It is literally a hundred percent gone. We do not get a single call complaining about confusion on how to purchase. That used to be half the job on our help desk and now it’s down to zero.” The team also noted how the support team was able to just dive in without extra training because the app is so easy to use. 

A partner for the future

The Olive My Pickle team is also excited about the connection and relationship they’ve been able to have with the team at Awtomic. They’re excited to lean into subscription growth now that the purchasing flow is seamless and utilize the Moments feature to build loyalty and retention with subscribers. “I want to build a subscription program that’s so much more than just a discount,” describes Charlotte, “an insider’s community, and I know Awtomic can support that.”