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How Yummers Pets Improved Retention with Awtomic Moments

How Yummers Pets Improved Retention with Awtomic Moments

"I love a lot of things about Awtomic but our favorite thing is the Moments feature - I don’t think we realized how impactful it was going to be." - Bethany Preston, Customer Experience Manager at Yummers

Written by

Emily Yuhas

You may know Antoni Porowski and Jonathan Van Ness as stars of “Queer Eye,” but they are also pet enthusiasts and together with Rebecca Frechette Rudisch have founded a  protein-focused, premium, earth-friendly pet food and supplement company called Yummers. 

Although they started with a focus on retail, they learned quickly that their customers often preferred to buy directly from their website, and were eager to subscribe to make it easy for them to refill their furry friends’ favorite foods. Only a 2 year old business, the company had already been through two subscription providers and found a lackluster world of over promising and under delivering and not having the tools they needed to reach their goals

Metrics Since Migration


Reduction in Active Churn


Reduction in Passive Churn


Improvement in retention by 3rd month from Awtomic Moments

Choosing to Leave Stay.ai

A Glitchy Start

Although they had been excited to leave Recharge, Yummers ran into some reliability and trust issues right when they migrated to Stay.ai. Some subscriptions were completely missed and not migrated, others failed to trigger when they were supposed to. 

Underwhelming Bundles

One of the things they had been promised and were excited to set up was a great build-a-box experience. Over six months later they did not have the functionality they needed to offer their customers the bundles that they needed.

Limited Retention Tools

The team wanted to invest more in rewarding subscribers and improving retention but were limited in what they could offer and not able to see their strategy come to fruition

The Solution with Awtomic

A Smooth Transition

“I had a lot of concerns going into it from our previous experience” remembers Bethany Preston, Customer Experience Manager, “The Awtomic team made me feel very confident and set everything up so I could preview it before going live and the migration process was quick and easy. I can’t even think of one issue we had when we migrated.” 

Delivering a Build-A-Box

The Yummers team wasted no time getting their much anticipated build-a-box set up with Awtomic and it paid off. It’s easy for customers to build their own bundles now and the team was able to finally nail the site experience and the subscription offer. 

Building Strong Relationships with Moments

Bethany also jumped into the powerful Moments feature on Awtomic, setting up a thoughtful and enticing retention roadmap for subscribers where they can see the benefits that they will unlock over time. They’re now also using moments for targeted monthly offers and promotions and have already seen an uptick in retention from these exciting new strategies. 

“I love a lot of things about Awtomic but our favorite thing is the Moments feature - I don’t think we realized how impactful it was going to be. It started as a way to reduce churn and increase the lifetime value of our customers. We have certain milestones with rewards or free products that people can hit based on the number of orders they’ve had. That in itself has been huge - we just had someone leave a review last week saying how much they appreciated it.” - Bethany Preston, Customer Experience Manager at Yummers